
Centuries of treasures: Chestnut box for storing precious items.

Centuries of treasures: Chestnut box for storing precious items.

Availability: In Stock
ISBN/EAN: 997519309

An antique Tuscan chest: the warmth of the wood and the attention to detail in a refined accessory. The cartouche, hand-painted by Sansepolcro craftsmen, is a reference to the use of containers by mediaeval speziali (spice blenders) for transporting precious items, such as unguents, essential oils and creams.

The work has been created by Tuscan master craftsmen and is a faithful copy in form and decoration of the original rediscovered at the monastery of Verna.

The Aboca project, an exploration of the profound bond between man and nature, is helping to recover the wisdom of ancient craft techniques. For this reason the production of items is entrusted to the expertise of the masters of the art reviving the centuries-old tradition synonymous with Italy throughout the world.


The chestnut wood used for the chest has been worked according to ancient Renaissance techniques which enhance its smell and colour. The finish is in hand treated lacquer and the materials used, such as aniline and beeswax, are exclusively natural.

An antique Tuscan chest: the warmth of the wood and the attention to detail in a refined accessory. The cartouche, hand-painted by Sansepolcro craftsmen, is a reference to the use of containers by mediaeval speziali (spice blenders) for transporting precious items, such as unguents, essential oils and creams.

The work has been created by Tuscan master craftsmen and is a faithful copy in form and decoration of the original rediscovered at the monastery of Verna.

The Aboca project, an exploration of the profound bond between man and nature, is helping to recover the wisdom of ancient craft techniques. For this reason the production of items is entrusted to the expertise of the masters of the art reviving the centuries-old tradition synonymous with Italy throughout the world.


The chestnut wood used for the chest has been worked according to ancient Renaissance techniques which enhance its smell and colour. The finish is in hand treated lacquer and the materials used, such as aniline and beeswax, are exclusively natural.

Dimensions: 26 x 35 x 33 cm

Dimensions: 26 x 35 x 33 cm

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