
An understanding of why and how the intestine "feels" is essential for establishing the sources of problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is commonly called Colitis.

An understanding of why and how the intestine "feels" is essential for establishing the sources of problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is commonly called Colitis.

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ISBN/EAN: 9788898881130

"The intestine is not a tube" and "the intestinal wall is not really a wall": these are two of the phrases included in this short guide to highlight how dynamic and complex the intestine is. These qualities are essential for managing the complexity of the "world" that enters into us, transforming, assimilating and "feeling" it.

The discussion is presented to the reader in three parts:

- the first part is a short clinical guide to abdominal bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

- the second part discusses "the why", or rather the causes behind the problems

- the third part mentions some important potential treatments.

Andrea Lugli, graduate in Phytotherapy from the College of Phytotherapy (UK) and Industrial Chemistry from the Università di Bologna, is a lecturer in Phytotherapy on two Master's degree programmes (in Pavia and Bergamo) and is a scientific consultant on research and development of natural products. Author and co-author of numerous scientific publications. 

In 2006, he was the promoter and coordinator of the Monografie ESCOP translation project and author of Compendio alle Monografie ESCOP.

For Gruppo Aboca-Planta Medica, he has also written Piante Medicinali del Mondo, Patrimonio dell'Umanità; Una visione tra Etnobotanica, Tradizione e Scienza (2005), Conoscere le piante medicinali - 40 schede pratiche, tante curiosità e suggerimenti utili (2010), Gonfiore Addominale e Piante Medicinali - Con elementi di Fisiologia-Patofisiologia, Clinica, Storia, Letteratura, Antropologia medica e Etnofarmacologia (2010), La regolarizzazione del rallentato Transito Intestinale con Piante Medicinali e Sostanze Naturali - Con elementi di Antropologia medica, Fisiopatologia, Clinica e Terapeutica Fitoterapica (2012). 

Giuseppe Ventriglia, medical doctor with a Master's degree in Phytotherapy, he teaches both at universities and to professional groups. He has many years’ experience in educational planning and consultancy. Head and coordinator of projects for public and private science institutions. Author and co-author of numerous scientific texts and articles in national and foreign magazines.

For Aboca, he is also the author of  Gonfiore Addominale e Piante Medicinali - Con elementi di Fisiologia-Patofisiologia, Clinica, Storia, Letteratura, Antropologia medica e Etnofarmacologia (2010), Il modello dell'omeostasi - Salute Malessere Malattia (2010), La regolarizzazione del rallentato Transito Intestinale con Piante Medicinali e Sostanze Naturali - Con elementi di Antropologia medica, Fisiopatologia, Clinica e Terapeutica Fitoterapica (2012).

"The intestine is not a tube" and "the intestinal wall is not really a wall": these are two of the phrases included in this short guide to highlight how dynamic and complex the intestine is. These qualities are essential for managing the complexity of the "world" that enters into us, transforming, assimilating and "feeling" it.

The discussion is presented to the reader in three parts:

- the first part is a short clinical guide to abdominal bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

- the second part discusses "the why", or rather the causes behind the problems

- the third part mentions some important potential treatments.

Andrea Lugli, graduate in Phytotherapy from the College of Phytotherapy (UK) and Industrial Chemistry from the Università di Bologna, is a lecturer in Phytotherapy on two Master's degree programmes (in Pavia and Bergamo) and is a scientific consultant on research and development of natural products. Author and co-author of numerous scientific publications. 

In 2006, he was the promoter and coordinator of the Monografie ESCOP translation project and author of Compendio alle Monografie ESCOP.

For Gruppo Aboca-Planta Medica, he has also written Piante Medicinali del Mondo, Patrimonio dell'Umanità; Una visione tra Etnobotanica, Tradizione e Scienza (2005), Conoscere le piante medicinali - 40 schede pratiche, tante curiosità e suggerimenti utili (2010), Gonfiore Addominale e Piante Medicinali - Con elementi di Fisiologia-Patofisiologia, Clinica, Storia, Letteratura, Antropologia medica e Etnofarmacologia (2010), La regolarizzazione del rallentato Transito Intestinale con Piante Medicinali e Sostanze Naturali - Con elementi di Antropologia medica, Fisiopatologia, Clinica e Terapeutica Fitoterapica (2012). 

Giuseppe Ventriglia, medical doctor with a Master's degree in Phytotherapy, he teaches both at universities and to professional groups. He has many years’ experience in educational planning and consultancy. Head and coordinator of projects for public and private science institutions. Author and co-author of numerous scientific texts and articles in national and foreign magazines.

For Aboca, he is also the author of  Gonfiore Addominale e Piante Medicinali - Con elementi di Fisiologia-Patofisiologia, Clinica, Storia, Letteratura, Antropologia medica e Etnofarmacologia (2010), Il modello dell'omeostasi - Salute Malessere Malattia (2010), La regolarizzazione del rallentato Transito Intestinale con Piante Medicinali e Sostanze Naturali - Con elementi di Antropologia medica, Fisiopatologia, Clinica e Terapeutica Fitoterapica (2012).

Release date: 2016

Pages: 60

Release date: 2016

Pages: 60

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