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Aggiustiamo il mondo

A real-life sustainability diary written by Giorgia Pagliuca (“ggalaska” on Instagram), one of the most followed environmental influencers

Le relazioni della vita

A compilation of previously unpublished essays written over the course of five decades, revolving around an interest in the application of systemic thinking to resolve the major problems of our...

Ogni amico è un tesoro

"Through this book we understand that there is no survival without coexistence".  Elementare Lesen

Rompi il soffitto di cristallo

A book brimming with insights into the careers of exemplary women, as well as with practical advice for all those wishing to hold positions of power.

Il mondo dove è bianco

Our fate is inexorably linked to the continued existence of glaciers. The potential consequences of their disappearance are almost unfathomable.

Le parole più belle sono fiori

A fully illustrated dictionary of the language of flowers.

Good weeds


L'arte di rigenerare il mondo



Throughout history, women have closely guarded the secrets of medicinal plants and have made a significant contribution to the development of medicine, fostered by an aptitude for observation and a...

Curare e prendersi cura

We have idealised medicine and its capacity to improve our lives. It’s now time for this discipline to have a radical rethink and embrace a new vision of human health.

Bjula delle betulle

A story that spans a century, following the trail of the birch trees, intertwining many lives. In the end, everyone returns home together.