
Famiglia: Fagaceae.

Genere: Quercus.

Specie: Quercus robur.

Famiglia: Fagaceae.

Genere: Quercus.

Specie: Quercus robur.

Availability: In Stock
ISBN/EAN: 9788855230902

Available on e-book at €9,99

Available on e-book at €9,99

A compelling story, featuring a somewhat unsuccessful novelist who invents a series of pseudonyms in order to pursue his writing career and thus becomes involved in family affairs, rising empires and fading potentates: the story of the Bruegels.

Alessandro Zaccuri was born in La Spezia in 1963, lives in Milan and is a journalist for the newspaper "Avvenire". His novels include Il signor figlio (Mondadori, 2007, premio Selezione Campiello), Dopo il miracolo (Mondadori, 2012, premi Basilicata e Frignano), Lo spregio (Marsilio, 2016, premi Comisso e Mondello Giovani) and Nel nome (NNE, 2019).

A compelling story, featuring a somewhat unsuccessful novelist who invents a series of pseudonyms in order to pursue his writing career and thus becomes involved in family affairs, rising empires and fading potentates: the story of the Bruegels.

Alessandro Zaccuri was born in La Spezia in 1963, lives in Milan and is a journalist for the newspaper "Avvenire". His novels include Il signor figlio (Mondadori, 2007, premio Selezione Campiello), Dopo il miracolo (Mondadori, 2012, premi Basilicata e Frignano), Lo spregio (Marsilio, 2016, premi Comisso e Mondello Giovani) and Nel nome (NNE, 2019).

release date 2021

Dimensions cm 14 x 19

Pages 168

release date 2021

Dimensions cm 14 x 19

Pages 168

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