
The new book by Prof. Pier Luigi Rossi

The new book by Prof. Pier Luigi Rossi

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ISBN/EAN: 9788855231015

Available on e-book at €13,99

Available on e-book at €13,99

Nature has given us body fat, but our misguided behaviour has turned the gift into disease. It is up to us to make the most of our body fat as a source of health and longevity; the future is within ourselves.

Pier Luigi Rossi is a doctor and specialist in Nutritional Science, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, lecturer in the Masters, Nutrition and Health Education at the University of Bologna, lecturer in the Masters, Dietetics and Nutrition at the Catholic University of Rome, and lecturer in Molecular Nutrition for the Masters, Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Sassari. He is professor of Nutritional Science at the University of Siena-Arezzo from 1995 to 2009. Expert for the Superior Health Council from 2003 to 2006 and (Chief) Medical Director at ASL-Arezzo from 1990 to 2009. He devised the molecular method of mindful eating and is the author of books and scientific research. From 1990 to the present day, he has been a guest on the Italian channel RAI programmes such as "Più sani Più belli", "Linea Verde", "Uno mattina", "Domenica IN", "Geo&Geo", "Occhio alla spesa", "Uno mattina Verde", "Medicina 33″, TG1. For Aboca Edizioni he has published Dalle calorie alle molecole (2014), Conosci il tuo corpo, scegli il tuo cibo (2016), L'intestino, il sesto senso del nostro corpo (2018), La buona salute. Il giusto cibo per un corpo nuovo (2019) and Le ricette della buona salute (2020).

Nature has given us body fat, but our misguided behaviour has turned the gift into disease. It is up to us to make the most of our body fat as a source of health and longevity; the future is within ourselves.

Pier Luigi Rossi is a doctor and specialist in Nutritional Science, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, lecturer in the Masters, Nutrition and Health Education at the University of Bologna, lecturer in the Masters, Dietetics and Nutrition at the Catholic University of Rome, and lecturer in Molecular Nutrition for the Masters, Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Sassari. He is professor of Nutritional Science at the University of Siena-Arezzo from 1995 to 2009. Expert for the Superior Health Council from 2003 to 2006 and (Chief) Medical Director at ASL-Arezzo from 1990 to 2009. He devised the molecular method of mindful eating and is the author of books and scientific research. From 1990 to the present day, he has been a guest on the Italian channel RAI programmes such as "Più sani Più belli", "Linea Verde", "Uno mattina", "Domenica IN", "Geo&Geo", "Occhio alla spesa", "Uno mattina Verde", "Medicina 33″, TG1. For Aboca Edizioni he has published Dalle calorie alle molecole (2014), Conosci il tuo corpo, scegli il tuo cibo (2016), L'intestino, il sesto senso del nostro corpo (2018), La buona salute. Il giusto cibo per un corpo nuovo (2019) and Le ricette della buona salute (2020).

Release date: 2021

Dimensions: cm 15 x 21

Pag. 272

Release date: 2021

Dimensions: cm 15 x 21

Pag. 272

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