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Padroni del futuro
In an era marred by climate change, mass unemployment, wage stagnation, and staggering wealth gaps, the ownership model of the industrial age makes less and less sense. We need a...
Il pioppo del Sempione
Family: Salicaceae. Genus: Populus. Species: Populus alba.Up to 30 metres in height, with a wide crown, it has whitish bark, rounded leaves and flowers grouped in catkins. Widespread in central...
Scoiattoli & Co.
"In this enchanting book, Reichholf opens our eyes and lets us take an expert look at the world of squirrels, a beautiful place, welcoming to humans and animals alike." Welt
Per un nuovo capitalismo
"This book by John Elkington couldn’t have come at a better time." Forbes
La salute naturale del bambino
An accessible book with many practical solutions, indispensable during the various stages of a child's development, that both parents and grandparents will not want to do without.
Basta scuse sui rifiuti!
“One of the best books to learn more about eco-living”. The Sunday Times
Il peggior nemico
Osterholm has been appointed to the Covid-19 Advisory Board by US President Biden.
Vita e Natura
A new edition of the seminal book in systemic thinking, of which Fritjof Capra is the leading exponent.
Minimi giganti
A book that is fundamental in learning about the world of ants and those who study them. An incredible subterranean journey that will make us see these insects in a...