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Minimi giganti

A book that is fundamental in learning about the world of ants and those who study them. An incredible subterranean journey that will make us see these insects in a...

Le foglie

Exploring the wondrous diversity of wild plants.

Salviamo il nostro futuro!

This is the last possible moment in history when changing course can mean saving lives and species on an unimaginable scale. A true civilizational responsibility rests on our shoulders. It’s too...

La medicina delle reti

“This book fills a gap in scientific literature, by applying Complex Systems Theory to medicine. This book is a must".Guido Caldarelli - IMT Lucca

La vita e i segreti delle farfalle

"A passionate account about butterflies and the way in which they have fascinated people throughout history" - Booklist

Quando guardi il mondo e non lo vedi

“Humans have a warped perception of reality. Ziya Tong pierces through this collective fog, using a scientific lens to show us our place in the world as it really is.” -...


One of the leading economists on the Italian and International scene decides to take the field and ask the market to not only be a producer of wealth and ensure...

Sogni di un disegnatore di fiori di ciliegio

Sogni di un disegnatore di fiori di ciliegio è un caleidoscopio di anime e voci, è l’espressione della forza sovrana della natura che sempre lotta per rigenerarsi, che sempre spinge per...

Il bosco del confine

"In the woods, there are no boundaries, my father used to say. He repeated this often, like a mantra to be memorised, revealing some truth that we would only come...

Brevi lezioni di meraviglia

“Exploring nature with your child means rediscovering a sense of your surroundings. (…) Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long...

Vite di alberi straordinari

Viaggio tra le piante più antiche del mondo


Come sviluppare una nuova consapevolezza ecologica