
Prestigious notes

Prestigious notes

Availability: In Stock
ISBN/EAN: 8032472024620

For all your thoughts, feelings or notes … The notebooks of the Flower Desk line contain 80 sheets of valuable paper in an elegant ivory colour, which greatly enhances the pleasure of writing. A precious image from The Garden decorates their cover.

The history of botany and the disclosure of its most rare and precious aspects has always been part of Aboca’s project. The Garden original copy, by W. Robinson (London, 1888), is conservated in the Bibliotheca Antiqua of Aboca Musuem in Sansepolcro (AR).

For all your thoughts, feelings or notes … The notebooks of the Flower Desk line contain 80 sheets of valuable paper in an elegant ivory colour, which greatly enhances the pleasure of writing. A precious image from The Garden decorates their cover.

The history of botany and the disclosure of its most rare and precious aspects has always been part of Aboca’s project. The Garden original copy, by W. Robinson (London, 1888), is conservated in the Bibliotheca Antiqua of Aboca Musuem in Sansepolcro (AR).

Dimensions 25 x 23 cm

Paper ivory 80 sheets

Dimensions 25 x 23 cm

Paper ivory 80 sheets

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