
Family: Salicaceae. Genus: Populus. Species: Populus alba.

Up to 30 metres in height, with a wide crown, it has whitish bark, rounded leaves and flowers grouped in catkins. Widespread in central and southern Europe, it is found mainly along waterways or in damp woods..

Family: Salicaceae. Genus: Populus. Species: Populus alba.

Up to 30 metres in height, with a wide crown, it has whitish bark, rounded leaves and flowers grouped in catkins. Widespread in central and southern Europe, it is found mainly along waterways or in damp woods..

Availability: In Stock
ISBN/EAN: 9788855230957

Available on e-book at €9,99

Available on e-book at €9,99

Another profound and moving novel is added to the "Il bosco degli scrittori" series, in which author Giuseppe Lupo makes us look back at the past and at the same time reflect on very relevant issues such as social inclusion and the value of memory.

Giuseppe Lupo (Atella, 1963) teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at the Università Cattolica of Milan and Brescia. He made his debut with L'americano di Celenne (2000), for which he won the Giuseppe Berto Prize and the Mondello Prize in 2001. His books also include: L'ultima sposa di Palmira (2011; “Premio Selezione Campiello”, Vittorini prize), Viaggiatori di nuvole (2013; “Premio Giuseppe Dessì”), Atlante immaginario (2014), L'albero di stanze (2015; “Premio Alassio-Centolibri”), Gli anni del nostro incanto (2017; Premio Viareggio Rèpaci) and Breve storia del mio silenzio (2019, was a finalist in the “Premio Strega”)

He is the author of numerous essays and contributes to the cultural pages of "Sole 24 Ore".

Another profound and moving novel is added to the "Il bosco degli scrittori" series, in which author Giuseppe Lupo makes us look back at the past and at the same time reflect on very relevant issues such as social inclusion and the value of memory.

Giuseppe Lupo (Atella, 1963) teaches Contemporary Italian Literature at the Università Cattolica of Milan and Brescia. He made his debut with L'americano di Celenne (2000), for which he won the Giuseppe Berto Prize and the Mondello Prize in 2001. His books also include: L'ultima sposa di Palmira (2011; “Premio Selezione Campiello”, Vittorini prize), Viaggiatori di nuvole (2013; “Premio Giuseppe Dessì”), Atlante immaginario (2014), L'albero di stanze (2015; “Premio Alassio-Centolibri”), Gli anni del nostro incanto (2017; Premio Viareggio Rèpaci) and Breve storia del mio silenzio (2019, was a finalist in the “Premio Strega”)

He is the author of numerous essays and contributes to the cultural pages of "Sole 24 Ore".

Release date: 2020

Dimensions: cm 14 x 19

Pages 192

Release date: 2020

Dimensions: cm 14 x 19

Pages 192

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