
Beautiful botanical prints from Hendrik Cause collection

Beautiful botanical prints from Hendrik Cause collection

Availability: In Stock
ISBN/EAN: 8032472030331

In each of these prints is contained the delicacy, elegance and color of small masterpieces that Nature offers. From the ancient herbarium De koninglycke Hovenier... , by Hendrik Cause (1656), preserved in the Bibliotheca Antiqua of Aboca Museum in Sansepolcro, these splendid prints have been reproduced with care of details and avant-garde techniques.
Available botanical subjects:
- Anemone- Aquilegia- Cyclamen- Sunflower

In each of these prints is contained the delicacy, elegance and color of small masterpieces that Nature offers. From the ancient herbarium De koninglycke Hovenier... , by Hendrik Cause (1656), preserved in the Bibliotheca Antiqua of Aboca Museum in Sansepolcro, these splendid prints have been reproduced with care of details and avant-garde techniques.
Available botanical subjects:
- Anemone- Aquilegia- Cyclamen- Sunflower

Dimensions 200 x 310 cm

Dimensions 200 x 310 cm

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